Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 35(2); 1988 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1988;35(2):120-124.
DOI:    Published online June 1, 1988.
Association between Serum Zinc Levels and T-Cell Subsets in Patients with Lung Cancer
Sun Young Kim, Jae Man Nam, Kyoung Joo Rhee, Kyung Sun Son
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Chung Nam National University, Daejeon, Korea
폐암환자에서 혈청 Zinc와 T임파구아형과의 관계(1)
김선영, 남재만, 이경주, 손경선
To ascertain the changes in serum & urinary zinc levels in patients with bronchogenic carcinoma, we measured serum zinc level and 24 hour urinary zinc excretion in 25 normal controls and 38 lung cancer patients. 1) Mean serum zinc level was significantly lower in patients with lung cancer (64 .1 ± 21.9 ug/ dl) than in normal controls (75.1 ± 10.6 ug/ dl) (p<0.05). 2) 24 hour urinary zinc excretion was higher in patients with lung cancer (1066 ± 592 ug/ 24 hr) than in normal controls (604 ± 262 ug/ 24 hr) (p<0.02). 3) There were no statistically significant differences in serum zinc levels & 24 hour urinary zinc excretion between patients with limited disease and patients with extensive disease, also patients with small cell carcinoma & patients with non-small cell carcinoma. 4) Percent of OKT4+ cells was significantly lower in patients with lower serum zinc levels (33 ± 9.79%) than patients with higher serum zinc levels (46.57 ± 7.93%) (p < 0.02). Patients with lung cancer often have lower serum zinc concentration and zinc deficiency may be an important cause of abnormal T-cell function. Zinc supplementation may be useful to improve lymphocyte function in zine deficient patients. Whether zinc supplementation would alter the course of the disease or the patients is unknown.

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