Preservation of Pulmonary Function after Sleeve Lobectomy in Patients with Lung Cancer.
Young Min Koh, Sang Joon Park, Gee Young Suh, Man Pyo Chung, Hojoong Kim, O Jung Kwon, Chong H Rhee, Kwhan Mien Kim, Jhin Gook Kim, Young Mog Shim
Tuberc Respir Dis. 1999;47(1):35-41. Published online 1999 Jul 1 DOI:
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Comparison of Operative Mortality and Complications between Bronchoplastic Lobectomy and Pneumonectomy in Lung Cancer Patients
Eung-Sirk Lee, Seung-Il Park, Yong Hee Kim, Chi Hoon Bae, Hye Won Moon, Mi Sun Chun, Dong Kwan Kim
Journal of Korean Medical Science.2007; 22(1): 43. CrossRef